In this insightful first-hand narrative detailing the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s, William Black exposes the tactics employed by corrupt CEOs and CFOs, often in collaboration with regulators overseeing their industries, to deceive companies for personal gain. Drawing on his experiences as the Director of Litigation for the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, Black unveils the extensive accounting fraud orchestrated by individuals like Charles Keating and numerous other savings and loan owners, capitalizing on a lax regulatory environment.
In the updated afterword, Black convincingly establishes a connection between the savings and loan crash and the business failures of 2008 and beyond. He demonstrates how CEOs, both then and now, continue to utilize similar strategies to evade regulatory constraints and perpetrate destructive fraud.
Black emphasizes the broader point that control fraud remains a significant and persistent threat in the business world, necessitating the presence of vigilant, independent regulators. His book serves as a wakeup call for those who believe that relying solely on market forces will ensure the honesty of companies and their owners.
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